Join Today and Help Us Shape Britain's Future
By joining the Conservative Party, you’ll be able to:
Help us win elections
Get the latest from inside the Party – with regular member updates
Choose the candidates who’ll stand in local and parliamentary elections, and vote in leadership elections
Influence Party policy – by giving feedback on policy briefs
Take part in our campaign groups – meet like-minded people and make a difference to our country
Connect with local Conservatives – support local campaigns and attend social events with members just like you
Come to Conference
Stand for election – members have the opportunity to stand for election as Conservatives
There has never been a more exciting time to be involved in politics, so please join us!
It costs just £25 per year to join, £15 for members of the Armed Forces, or £5 for anyone under the age of 26.
You can become a member by going to our Join Us page.
We will receive notification once your payment has been processed.
Any donation you make will be directed to us, as your Local Association.
If you require more information, would like to sign up using a paper form, or would like to join one of our clubs (Conservative Women's Organisation, Young Conservatives or Patrons' Club), please call us on 01753 678693 or email office@windsorconservatives.com.
We look forward to meeting you!
Whether you are young or old, politically aware or just looking to meet like-minded people in the area, Windsor Conservatives sincerely look forward to welcoming you.
There's always plenty going on across our Constituency - join us!